Whats is the mileage of an airplane? IAS exam questions

Question: Who hunts most – male or female lion?
Answer: Female
Question: What type of whale is the biggest animal in the world?
Answer: Blue Whale
Question: Who was nicknamed “Trey” (Three in card terminology), when he was young?
Answer: Bill gates
Question: His tomb in France reads “He taught us how to become free” as his writings were instrumental in creating a spirit of freedom during the French Revolution. Who was he?
Answer: Voltaire
Question: The name ‘Teddy Bear’ is used to describe a soft, toy bear. The name comes from President Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt who once set a bear cub free: True or False
Answer: True
Question: What is the mileage of an aeroplane?
Answer: It uses 12 litres of fuel for 1 km
Whats is the mileage of an airplane? IAS exam questions Whats is the mileage of an airplane? IAS exam questions Reviewed by Admin on 4:16 AM Rating: 5

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